07810 826477 mdarbyltd@yahoo.com

Legionella Risk Assessment and Prevention 

  •  On site risk assessment and prevention. 
  • Weekly checks, monthly checks, 3 monthly, 6 monthly and annual checks to comply with legionella L8 regulations.
  • Installation of TMV valves which are maintained every 12 month or as per manufacturers instructions.
  • Installation of Liff drinking water filters which filters are to be changed every 3 months or as per manufacturers instructions.
  • We are able to carry out a risk assessment to help decide whether you are at risk and if so put prevention techniques into place.


Cleaning Out and Disinfecting of Cold Water Header Tank for Hot Water System and Use of Chlorination Tablets


If you have any systems on site that have the potential for causing an outbreak of legionella, call us today for a risk assessment followed by any preventive procedures necessary.